论文阅读 word2box

论文阅读 word2box


  1. Probabilistic Embedding of Knowledge Graphs with
    Box Lattice Measures

  2. Box Embeddings: An open-source library for representation learning
    using geometric structures

  3. Word2Box: Learning Word Representation Using Box Embeddings

  4. Word2Box: Capturing Set-Theoretic Semantics of Words using Box


Order embedding


In order theory, a branch of mathematics, an order embedding is a special kind of monotone function, which provides a way to include one partially ordered set into another. Like Galois connections, order embeddings constitute a notion which is strictly weaker than the concept of an order isomorphism. Both of these weakenings may be understood in terms of category theory.


max margin loss

Probabilistic Embedding of Knowledge Graphs with Box Lattice Measures


Box Embeddings: An open-source library for representation learning using geometric structures


box embdeeing 的定义,box volume的计算,box embdeeing的相关运算
box embedding 的应用: word层次图表示,NLI(balure language inference)

文章作者: 崔文耀
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